
Source of Travel Points Calculation Method Travel Points
Your Personal Group PV x Monthly Performance Bonus x 0.25 A
The 4% Leadership Bonus generated by your 21% Personal Group x PV/BV Ratio* x 1.125 B
The 2% Leadership Bonus generated by your 21% Foster Sponsored Group# x PV/BV Ratio* x 2.25 C
The 1% Leadership Bonus generated by your 21% Foster Sponsored Group # x PV/BV Ratio* x 4.5 D
  • Your travel points gained in that month = A + B + C + D
  • Your total travel points gained in that fiscal year = the sum of the travel points gained in the 12 months
* PV/BV ratios may not be the same in different Amway markets. Even in the same market, the ratio may still be revised with consideration to
  price adjustment or other factors. Please use the ratio announced by Amway for calculation.

# Except in Korea and Hungary, a qualified Internationally Sponsored Distributor who signed up before September 1, 1991 generates a 4%
   Leadership Bonus, in which 3% goes to the International Line and 1% to the Foster Line of Sponsorship. A Distributor who signed up after
   September 1, 1991 generates a 2% Bonus to both the International and Foster Line of Sponsorship.

Remarks: Each Amway market may have different qualifications and travel point requirements for Leadership Seminar with consideration to
               market needs. Please consult your market for further information.